Movement for a Free Academia
Join the call for a free academia grounded in an ethics of care, integrity, and trust. Let this call be a seed of change.
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Join the movement by signing the Gothenburg Manifesto.
158 signed the Gothenburg Manifesto. See all signatories below.
Manifesto published 15th of April 2024.
Academic freedom is under pressure across countries and disciplines. The severe crises that societies face call for researchers to create a more trustworthy and compassionate research environment in which ideas and creativity can flourish more than they can today.
The reason for this need is dialectic in the sense that it is difficult to pose the right questions or come up with the right solutions to the crises we find ourselves in – when we ourselves as researchers are bound by systems whose very logic is the underlying driver of the crises: Terror of comparison, the cage of rationality, pseudo-work, mistrust, and unhealthy hierarchies are just some of the labels that could be applied to academia today.
Therefore, we need to find a path to free ourselves from the very logic that encapsulates academia to create an academic system built on openness, an ethics of care, integrity, and trust. This is an impossible task to solve individually, and, more than ever, we need to come together across disciplines, universities, and countries to create a new collective movement of scientists and researchers.
It is a key priority of the Movement for a Free Academia to explore – not just theoretically – but physically and organizationally ways to create true academic freedom for researchers. We will meet at symposia over the coming years to manifest the manifesto.
Abigail Perrin, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of York,
Aitzkoa Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, Associate researcher, Lund University,
Alexander Ding, Professor, University of Leeds,
Amy Clotworthy, Assistant professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health,
Ana Maria Costa, Scholarship, University Porto,
Ana Martins, Associate professor, Universidade do Algarve,
Anders Løvlie, Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen,
Anders Ramsay, Senior lecturwr, Mittuniversitetet,
Andre Nilsen, PhD candidate, University of Oslo,
Anne Elizabeth Stie, Associate professor, University of Agder,
Anne Kristin Fell, Ass. professor, University of Oslo,
Anne Nygaard Jedzini, PhD Candidate, Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, University of Canberra,
Antonio Lobo Ribeiro, Full Professor, University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal,
Antonio M. Nogués, Catedrático, Universitas Miguel Hernández,
Asger Sørensen, Associate professor, Aarhus University, Denmark,
Ashley Ross, Assoc. Professor, Durban University of Technology,
Belma Skender, Postdoc, University of Oslo,
Bjørn Hallstein Holte, Professor, VID Specialized University,
Camilla Soelseth, Assistant Professor and PhD Candidate, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University,
Carla Malafaia, Researcher, University of Porto,
Carsten Friberg, Associate professor, University of Southern Denmark,
Casper Feilberg, Associate professor, Aalborg University,
Cecilie Lilleheil, Union representative, UiO,
charlie steenberg, Ph.d. fellow, Royal Danish Academy,
Charlotte Bürgers, MSc Student, Wageningen University and Research,
Christian Gerlach, Assosiate professor, University of Southern Denmark,
christine stubbendorff, MCSA postdoctoral fellow, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia,
Claudia Speciale, Post-Doc Researcher, IPHES-CERCA,
Dario Tascio, Postdoctoral researcher, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy,
David Alcer, PhD student, Lund University,
Elke Weik, Associate Professor, SDU, Dept. of Business and Management,
Ellen Lust, Professor, Political Science; Founder & Director, Governance and Local Development Institute, University of Gothenburg,
Esben Høg, Lektor, Aalborg Universitet,
Esben Rohan Christensen, Affiliated Researcher, Aarhus University,
Espen Heen, PhD research fellow, University of Oslo,
Esther Greenwood, PhD student, ETH Zürich,
Fabian Holt, Associate professor, Roskilde University,
Fabio Vannucci, Postdoc, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia,
Fernando Racimo, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen,
Florian Ulrich Jehn, Data Science Lead, Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED),
Francesco Abate, Research fellow, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT),
Frederik Aarup, PhD student, Nord University in Bodø,
Frederik Appel Olsen, Ph.d., No current affiliation,
Frida Hammel, PhD Student, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet,
gill boehringer, Hon. Professor (ret.), Macquarie University Law School,
Gisela Oliveira, Research assistant, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal,
Glenn Bark, Senior lecturer, Luleå University of Technology,
Gro-Renée Rambø, Professor, University of Agder,
Gunnar Bjune, Professor emeritus, University of Oslo,
Hanne Haaland, Associate professor, UiA,
Hans Hüttel, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen,
Hans Ramløv, Professor, Roskilde University,
Hege Wallevik, Associate professor, University of Agder,
Heikki Patomäki, Professor, University of Helsinki,
Heine Andersen, Professor emeritus, Copenhagen,
Helene Illeris, professor, University of Agder,
Henrik Zinkernagel, Associate professor, University of Granada, Spain,
Holger Grohganz, Associate professoor, University of Copenhagen,
Ida Aaskov Dolmer, PhD researcher, University of Southern Denmark,
Ida Wallin, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Inga Haaland, PhD, University of Oslo,
Ingri Hanne Brænne Bennwik, Associated Professor, VID Specialized University,
Ingvild Bergom Lunde, Postdoctoral fellow and President of the Association of Doctoral Organizations in Norway, University of Oslo and Association of Doctoral Organizations in Norway,
Irene Trysnes, Associate professor, University of Agder,
Jacob Livingston Slosser, Assistant Professor, UNiversity of Copenhagen,
Jakob Egholm Feldt, Professor, Roskilde University,
Jan Helge Solbakk, Professor of medical ethics, University of Oslo,
Janne Liburd, Professor, University of Southern Denmark,
Jaziar Radianti, Professor, University of Agder,
Jeannette Eggers, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Jenny Iwarsson, Associate professor, University of Copenhagen,
Jens Højgaard Jensen, Lektor emeritus, RUC,
Jes Søe Pedersen, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen,
Johan Kristian Andreasen, Associate professor, University of Agder,
Johanna Laakso, Professor, Universität Wien,
Johanna Lundström, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Johannes Van den Heuvel, Phd. Student, Aalborg university,
Jon Dag Rasmussen, Postdoc, Aarhus University,
Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen, Advisor, Wind Kommunikation,
Jorn Cruickshank, Professor, University of Agder,
Jytte Isaksen, Associate professor, University of Southern Denmak,
Kim Christian Schrøder, Professor, Roskilde University,
Kim Lefmann, Professor, University of Copenhagen,
Kjell Havnevik, Professor emeritus, University of Agder, Norway,
Kristian Klockars, Senior University Lecturer in Practical Philosophy, University of Helsinki,
Kristiina Visakorpi, Postdoctoral researcher, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Kristine Samson, Associate Professor, Roskilde University,
Kyle Bailey, PhD Candidate, York University,
Laura Horn, Associate Professor, Roskilde University,
Laura Louise Sarauw, Associate Professor, Roskilde University,
Léo Varnet, permanent investigator, École Normale Supérieure Paris,
Liliana Rodrigues, Researcher, University of Porto,
Line Vestergaard, PhD candidate, University of Copenhagen,
Liv Bjerre, Assistant professor, Aarhus University,
Lotte Lauritzen, Professor, University of Copenhagen,
Mads Ejsing, Postdoc, University of Copenhagen,
Magnus Dahl, Docent emeritus, Roskilde University,
Maja van der Velden, professor, University of Oslo,
Manja Hoppe Andreasen, Assistant professor, University of Copenhagen,
Maren Hjelle Guddal, Post-dic, Oslo Metropolitan University,
Margunn Bjørnholt, Professor, VID vitenskaplige høgskole,
Maria Fernanda Vinueza Veloz, Postdoctoral fellow, University of Oslo,
Maria Toft, PhD fellow, Independent,
Marianne Secher, Ph.D. fellow, Roskilde University,
Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, Professor of law, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Institut Universitaire de France,
Mariel Aguilar Støen, Professor, University of Oslo,
Marit Clausen, Lektor, Syddansk Universitet (SDU),
Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Professor, Aalborg University,
Markus Petteri Laine, Doctoral student, University of Helsinki,
Marta Miklikowska, Researcher, Igdore,
Martin Lehmann, Associate Professor, Aalborg University,
Martin Petr, postdoctoral researcher, University of Copenhagen,
May-Linda Magnussen, Professor, University of Agder, Norway,
Michael Hockenhull, Assistant Professor, IT University of Copenhagen,
Mingyuan Zhang, Researcher, University of Oslo,
Mogens Niss, Emeritus Professor, Roskilde University, Denmark,
MUHAMMAD AMIN NADIM, PhD Student, University of Telepegaso,Rome,Italy,
Nadia Ruiz, PhD candidate, University of Gothenburg /Department of Applied IT,
Nathercia Lima Torres, Phd student, University of Porto,
Nikoline S. Olsen, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen,
Ole Martin Moen, Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University,
Pål Steinar Repstad, Professor emeritus, University of Agder,
Patrik Möller, PhD, lecturer, Karlstad university,
Paula Silvén, Researcher, Tampere university,
Per Esben Svelstad, Professor of Norwegian, NTNU in Trondheim,
Peter Aaby, professor, Southern Danish Unversity,
Peter M Nielsen, External Lecturer, Roskilde University,
Petter Kallioinen, Forskningsassistent, Stockholm University,
Rafael Labanino, Research Fellow, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen,
Rasmus Sandy Harboesgaard Nielsen, PhD candidate, Oslo Metropolitan University,
Rebecca Lund, Associate Professor, University of Oslo,
Richard Somervail, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Italian Institute of Technology,
Ronald Hartz, Research Assistant, Technische Universität Ilmenau,
Ruth Prince, Professor, University of Oslo,
Sandro Sousa, Postdoc, University of Copenhagen,
Sebastian Skals, Postdoc, The Nationale Research Centre for the Working Environment,
Søren Beck Nielsen, Associate professor, University of Copenhagen,
Steen Christiansen, Professor, Aalborg University,
Stringa Nertila, Adviser, University of Agder,
Stuart Russell, Senior Lecturer in Law (retired), Macquarie University, Sydney Australia,
Susana Silva, Assistant researcher, University of Porto, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,
Susanne Björkholm, student, University of Helsinki,
Syksy Räsänen, Senior researcher, University of Helsinki,
Sylvie Saget, Independant Research / PhD student, Independant / GU,
Tale Steen-Johnsen, Associate Professor, University of Agder,
Tamara Mulherin, Lecturer, Northumbria University,
Terje Gjøsæter, Associate Professor, University of Agder, Norway,
Therese Sefton, Phd fellow, Oslo Metropolitan University,
Thomas Westergren, Professor, University of Stavanger, Department of Public Health,
Tone Grover, Associate professor, VID Spesialized University,
Tristram Wyatt, Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford,
Tuija Kokkonen, Professor of Artistic Research, University of the Arts Helsinki,
Turid Misje, Associate professor, VID Specialized University,
Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Lecturer, PhD, Distinguished teacher, Uppsala University,
Valindawo Valile M Dwayi, Director, International Higher Education, Walter Sisulu University,
Visa Heinonen, Professor, University of Helsinki,
Yrjö Engeström, Professor Emeritus, University of Helsinki,